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-->This article describes how to update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version.
Applies to: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
Original KB number: 949104
If you have automatic updating turned on, the latest version of the Windows Update Agent is downloaded and installed automatically on your computer. Or, you can manually download and install the Windows Update Agent.
Automatically download Windows Update Agent
To download the Windows Update Agent automatically, follow these steps:
Turn on automatic updating. Follow these steps, for the version of Windows that you are running.
Windows 8.1 or Windows 8
- Open Windows Update by swiping in from the right edge of the screen (or, if you're using a mouse, pointing to the lower-right corner of the screen and moving up the mouse pointer), tapping or clicking Settings, tapping or clicking Control Panel, and then tapping or clicking Windows Update.
- Tap or click Change settings.
- Under Important updates, choose Install updates automatically.
- Under Recommended updates, select the Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates check box, and then select OK.
Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP
To turn on automatic updating automatically, select the Fix it button or link, and then select Run in the View Download dialog box. Then, follow the steps in the Fix it wizard.
Restart the Windows Update service. To do this, follow these steps:
- Press the Windows logo Key+R to open the Run box.
- Type services.msc in the Run box, and then press Enter.
- Right-click Windows Update in the Services management console, and then select Stop. If you are running Windows XP, right-click Automatic Updates, and then select Stop.
- After Windows Update stops, right-click Windows Update, and then select Start. If you are running Windows XP, right-click Automatic Updates, and then select Start.
Wait for Windows Update to start, and then verify that the Windows Update Agent is updated.
Manually download Windows Update Agent from Microsoft Download Center
Click the download link for your version of Windows to obtain the latest Windows Update Agent.
Stand-alone packages for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center.
Operating system | Update |
All supported x86-based versions of Windows 8 (KB2937636) | Download the package now. |
All supported x64-based versions of Windows 8 (KB2937636) | Download the package now. |
All supported x64-based versions of Windows Server 2012 (KB2937636) | Download the package now. |
Stand-alone packages for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
The following files are available for download from Windows Update.
Operating system | Update |
All supported x86-based versions of Windows 7 SP1 | Download the package now. |
All supported x64-based versions of Windows 7 SP1 | Download the package now. |
All supported x86-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 | Download the package now. |
All supported x64-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 | Download the package now. |
All supported Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 | Download the package now. |
Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2 with update 2919355 already include the latest version of the Windows Update Agent.
More information
If you receive a Windows Update error, try Solutions for common Windows Update errors.
For more information about how to check which version of the Windows Update Agent is installed, follow these steps:
- Open the
is the folder in which Windows is installed. For example, the%systemroot%
folder isC:Windows
. - Right-click Wuaueng.dll, and then select Properties.
- Select the Details tab, and then locate the file version number.
Flyspeed Sql Query 2.7%3a Full Version Software
The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 8.1 is 7.9.9600.16422. The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 8 is 7.8.9200.16693. The latest version of the Windows Update Agent for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP is 7.6.7600.256.
Improvements in version 7.6.7600.256 of Windows Update Agent
A hardened infrastructure so that the Windows Update client will trust only those files that are signed by a new certificate. The certificate is used solely to protect updates to the Windows Update client.
A more secure communication channel for the Windows Update client
Improvements in version 7.4.7600.226 of Windows Update Agent
- Improved scan times for Windows updates.
- Improved Windows Update UI for computers that are running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.
- More visible and detailed descriptions of updates.
- Improvements in how users are notified about service packs.
Issues that are fixed in version 7.2.6001.788 of Windows Update Agent
Version 7.2.6001.788 of the Windows Update Agent fixes the following issue. This issue was not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
- When you try to install 80 or more updates at the same time from Windows Update or Microsoft Update, you receive a '0x80070057' error code.
Improvements in version 7.2.6001.784 of Windows Update Agent
- Improved scan times for Windows Update
- Improved speed at which signature updates are delivered
- Support for Windows Installer reinstallation
- Improved error messaging
Issues that are fixed by version 7.0.6000.381 of Windows Update Agent
Version 7.0.6000.381 of the Windows Update Agent fixes the following issues. These issues were not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
- The Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) crashes on a Windows Vista-based computer. For more information, see An update is available to fix a Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) crash on a Windows Vista-based computer.
- A fix is included that reduces the number of restarts that are required for the stand-alone installer when Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI) files are being used.
- User interface elements in the Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese languages are fixed.
- The Windows Vista installation experience is improved.
Windows Update helps keep your computer up-to-date and secure by downloading and installing the latest security and other updates from Microsoft. Windows Update determines which updates apply to your computer.
Microsoft periodically makes software updates available to users of Windows and other Microsoft software. These include updates that improve reliability and performance, updates that provide new protections against malware and other potentially unwanted software, and upgrades to Windows features. To improve the performance or the reliability of hardware components on the computer, Microsoft may also provide updates to device drivers that are supplied by the computer manufacturer.
If you turn on Windows Update, software components that are directly related to Windows Update will have to be updated occasionally on your computer. These updates must be performed before Windows Update can check for required updates or before it can install other updates. These required updates fix errors, provide ongoing improvements, and maintain compatibility with the Microsoft servers that support Windows Update. If you disable Windows Update, you will not receive these updates.
Windows Update is configured to install updates automatically when you select the recommended option during Windows Out Of Box Experience (OOBE) Setup. You can also turn on Windows Update by selecting one of following settings in the Automatic Updates item in Control Panel:
- Automatic (recommended).
- Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.
- Notify me, but don't automatically download or install them.
After you turn on Windows Update, the required updates to components of Windows Update will be downloaded and installed automatically without notifying you. This behavior occurs regardless of which setting you use to turn on Windows Update. If you do not want to receive required updates, you can disable automatic updates in Control Panel.
The updates to Windows Update itself typically do the following: Address feedback from customers, improve compatibility, service performance and reliability, and enable new service capabilities. When the Windows Update server is updated, a corresponding client update is typically required. During an agent self-update operation, Windows Update Agent files may be added, modified, or replaced. For example, Windows Update Agent files that help display the user experience or that determine whether updates apply to a particular system may be added. This behavior occurs when a system is set to automatically check for available updates. This does not occur when automatic updates are turned off. For example, this behavior does not occur if you select Never check for updates in Windows Vista and Windows 7 or if you select Turn off Automatic Updates in Windows XP.
Administrators will receive the latest version of the Windows Update Agent for deployment through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).
bytecode, Compiled, Copyright, executables, LICENSE, Original, Package, Permissions, Preamble, Redistribution, Warranty
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Copyright (c) 2000-2006, The Perl Foundation.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This license establishes the terms under which a given free software Package may be copied, modified, distributed, and/or redistributed. The intent is that the Copyright Holder maintains some artistic control over the development of that Package while still keeping the Package available as open source and free software.
You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly outside of this license directly with the Copyright Holder of a given Package. If the terms of this license do not permit the full use that you propose to make of the Package, you should contact the Copyright Holder and seek a different licensing arrangement.
“Copyright Holder” means the individual(s) or organization(s) named in the copyright notice for the entire Package.
Oblivion vampire console command. “Contributor” means any party that has contributed code or other material to the Package, in accordance with the Copyright Holder’s procedures.
“You” and “your” means any person who would like to copy, distribute, or modify the Package.
“Package” means the collection of files distributed by the Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection and/or of those files. A given Package may consist of either the Standard Version, or a Modified Version.
“Distribute” means providing a copy of the Package or making it accessible to anyone else, or in the case of a company or organization, to others outside of your company or organization.
“Distributor Fee” means any fee that you charge for Distributing this Package or providing support for this Package to another party. It does not mean licensing fees.
“Standard Version” refers to the Package if it has not been modified, or has been modified only in ways explicitly requested by the Copyright Holder.
“Modified Version” means the Package, if it has been changed, and such changes were not explicitly requested by the Copyright Holder.
“Original License” means this Artistic License as Distributed with the Standard Version of the Package, in its current version or as it may be modified by The Perl Foundation in the future.
“Source” form means the source code, documentation source, and configuration files for the Package.
“Compiled” form means the compiled bytecode, object code, binary, or any other form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of the Source form.
Permission for Use and Modification Without Distribution
(1) You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that you do not Distribute the Modified Version.
Permissions for Redistribution of the Standard Version
(2) You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the Standard Version of this Package in any medium without restriction, either gratis or for a Distributor Fee, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers. At your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may not include a Compiled form of the Package.
(3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other modifications made available from the Copyright Holder. The resulting Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and as such will be subject to the Original License.
Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source
(4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis or for a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the Modified Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs from the Standard Version, including, but not limited to, documenting any non-standard features, executables, or modules, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
(a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder of the Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the Copyright Holder may include your modifications in the Standard Version.
(b) ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not prevent the user installing or running the Standard Version. In addition, the Modified Version must bear a name that is different from the name of the Standard Version.
(c) allow anyone who receives a copy of the Modified Version to make the Source form of the Modified Version available to others under
(i) the Original License or
(ii) a license that permits the licensee to freely copy, modify and redistribute the Modified Version using the same licensing terms that apply to the copy that the licensee received, and requires that the Source form of the Modified Version, and of any works
derived from it, be made freely available in that license fees are prohibited but Distributor Fees are allowed.
Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version or Modified
Versions without the Source
(5) You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without the Source, provided that you include complete instructions on how to get the Source of the Standard Version. Such instructions must be valid at the time of your distribution. If these instructions, at any time while you are carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you
must provide new instructions on demand or cease further distribution. If you provide valid instructions or cease distribution within thirty days after you become aware that the instructions are invalid, then you do not forfeit any of your rights under this license.
(6) You may Distribute a Modified Version in Compiled form without the Source, provided that you comply with Section 4 with respect to the Source of the Modified Version.
Aggregating or Linking the Package
(7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the Package. Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions as included in the aggregation.
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(8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with other works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to build stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that include the Package, and Distribute the result without restriction, provided the result does not expose a direct interface to the Package.
Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version
(9) Works (including, but not limited to, modules and scripts) that merely extend or make use of the Package, do not, by themselves, cause the Package to be a Modified Version. In addition, such works are not considered parts of the Package itself, and are not subject to the terms of this license.
General Provisions
(10) Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.
(11) If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.
(12) This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.
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(13) This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the
date that such litigation is filed.
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