Microsoft Xml Converter



Microsoft xml converter location


FHIR Converter is an open source project that enables conversion of health data from legacy formats to FHIR. The first version of the FHIR Converter released to open source on Mar 6th, 2020. It used Handlebars template language and Javascript runtime. A new converter engine was released on Nov 13, 2020 that uses Liquid templating language. Microsoft Open Xml Converter free download - Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 3.0 Service Pack 7 (SP7), Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0, XML Converter Standard Edition, and many more programs. Download The Microsoft Office Open XML Format from Official Microsoft Download Center Microsoft 365 Premium Office apps, extra cloud storage, advanced security, and moreā€”all in one convenient subscription. ConvertTo-Xml returns an in-memory representation of an XML document, so you can continue to process it in PowerShell. ConvertTo-Xml does not have an option to convert objects to CLI XML. Examples Example 1: Convert a date to XML PS C: Get-Date ConvertTo-Xml. This command converts the current date (a DateTime object) to XML. JSON to XML Converter is a windows UWP app for JSON to XML Conversion. This app allows to fetch JSON data directly from URL or local disk for processing. Output can be shared, saved to local or copied to clipboard.

The ConvertTo-Xml cmdlet creates an XML-based representationof one or more more .NET objects. To use this cmdlet, pipe one or more objects to thecmdlet, or use the InputObject parameter to specify the object.

When you pipe multiple objects to ConvertTo-Xml or use the InputObject parameter to submitmultiple objects, ConvertTo-Xml returns a single, in-memory XML document that includesrepresentations of all of the objects.

This cmdlet is similar to Export-Clixml except that Export-Clixml stores theresulting XML in a Common Language Infrastructure(CLI) XMLfile that can be reimported as objects with Import-Clixml. ConvertTo-Xmlreturns an in-memory representation of an XML document, so you can continue to process it inPowerShell. ConvertTo-Xml does not have an option to convert objects to CLI XML.


Microsoft Xml Converter

Example 1: Convert a date to XML

This command converts the current date (a DateTime object) to XML.

Example 2: Convert processes to XML

This command converts the process objects that represent all of the processes on the computer intoan XML document. The objects are expanded to a depth of three levels.



Determines the output format.The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • String.Returns a single string.
  • Stream.Returns an array of strings.
  • Document.Returns an XmlDocument object.

The default value is Document.

Accepted values:Stream, String, Document
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False

Specifies how many levels of contained objects are included in the XML representation. The defaultvalue is 1.

For example, if the object's properties also contain objects, to save an XML representation of theproperties of the contained objects, you must specify a depth of 2.

The default value can be overridden for the object type in the Types.ps1xml files. For moreinformation, see about_Types.ps1xml.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False

Specifies the object to be converted. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a commandor expression that gets the objects. You can also pipe objects to ConvertTo-XML.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False

Omits the Type attribute from the object nodes.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


You can pipe any object to ConvertTo-XML.


System.String or System.Xml.XmlDocument

The value of the As parameter determines the type of object that ConvertTo-XML returns.

Related Links

Converts Microsoft Office documents (Open XML files) and XML files mutually.
After edit XML files, they can be restored into the original Office files. For example, you can translate MS-Office files in XML format.
This too is free. (No charge.)
There is also Windows application (paid) version to process your file in your local machine.

Office document (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx) -> [Convert] -> XML (.xml) file ->[Edit]-> [Convert] -> Office document

The following Microsoft Office documents can be converted:

Power Point.pptx


XML File Format

Microsoft Xml Converter For Windows 10

Generated XML files are UTF-8 encoded and include the following tags:

fileBlockTop level element
trBlockRow in table
tdBlockColumn in table
headerFooterBlockHeader or footer
entityBlockVarious entities
frameBlockImage or image group
groupBlockImage group
diagramBlockDiagram (SmartArt)
tbBlockText box
footnoteRefInline, isolate
sheetBlockExcel sheet
cellBlockExcel cell
formulaBlockExcel formula
slideBlockPowerPoint slide
noteBlockPowerPoint note
fontInline, pairVarious formats
bInline, pairBold
bCsInline, pairBold
iInline, pairItalic
iCsInline, pairItalic
uInline, pairUnderline
strikeInline, pairStrikethrough
supInline, pairSuperscript
subInline, pairSubscript
hyperlinkInline, pairHyperlink
insInline, pairInserted text of revision marking
delInline, pairDeleted text of revision marking
commentRangeStartInline, pairStart of comment area
commentRangeEndInline, pairEnd of comment area
commentReferenceInline, pairComment reference
annotationRefInline, pairAnnotation reference
rubyInline, pairPronunciation or furigana
rtInline, pairPronunciation part in ruby element
rbInline, pairOriginal characters part in ruby element
brInline, isolateReturn character
tabInline, isolateTab character
softHyphenInline, isolateHyphen (-) character
noBreakHyphenInline, isolateHyphen (-) character
symInline, isolateVarious special character
phInline, isolatePlaceholder. Sometimes it may be bound to other element such as frame, entity, footnote using tno or id attribute.
fieldInline, isolateField code
fldSimpleInline, pairField code
smartTagInline, pairSmart tag
smartTagPrInline, isolateFormat of smart tag
bdrInline, pair
moveFromInline, pair
moveToInline, pair

* Also other tags and attributes defined in Open XML may be output as tags.


About This Service

This system is developed by Tama Software Ltd. for internal use and provisionally published in August 2017. It can be used with no charge. It aims to edit Microsoft Office documents in XML format, and it can embed back the edited XML contents to the original Office documents while maintaining the original layouts.

Although there is no document that strictly defines the tags generated by this system, major tags are listed in the above table.

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Windows Application Vesrsion
Revision History

Microsoft Word To Xml Converter